💅🏼Troubleshoot With ClearJellyStamper💗

It's that time again to address some of the popular issues that individuals are experiencing using our products. I will do my best to cover the most common ones but if you need something addressed that isn't listed, please contact me at education@clearjellystamper.com and I will be happy to help!
ISSUE: I can't seem to pick up the images cleanly onto my stamper.
ISSUE: I can't seem to pick up the images cleanly onto my stamper.
SOLUTION: There can be a few factors affecting your pick-up. There are things that you probably didn't even think of. There are the most common reasons such as taking too long to roll the stamper across the image after scraping off the excess polish. The stamping polish may have thickened up a little and viscosity of your polish is VERY important. If it thickens up at all, you will need to use some of our CjS Polish Thinner. When it thickens up even slightly, it won't be able to settle into the etched images because they are shallow and fine. Our metallic polishes tend to thicken up sooner than the other colors so having CjS Polish Thinner near by is definitely an asset!! Another reason might be that you are not using CjS Stamping Polish. We have designed our products to compliment each other to achieve the best results so we cannot guarantee using other polishes will work. Make sure that you do not have any air flow when you're stamping. This would include a fan, overhead air vent (heat or AC),
or a breeze coming in through the window. Our polish dries quickly and it will dry instantly with any air flow making it almost impossible to pick up a clean image. Another trick is to place your brand new CjS Stamper upside down (remove lid) on a clean white piece of paper and allow it to sit for awhile. The paper will pull any oil out of the stamper.
DEFINITE NO-NO: Please do not ever, ever, ever buff your jelly!!! There is a lot of advice on the internet to do this if you're having issues but you do not need to do that with our stamper! Buffing your CjS Stamper will ruin in and defeat the purpose of it being created to see through to stamp and line up your images. Also, please do not wipe your jelly with any harsh solvents. It is ready to use right out of the package.
ISSUE: My design won't release onto the nail.
ISSUE: My design won't release onto the nail.
SOLUTION: There could be a few reasons for this. You may not be using CjS nail stamping polish, you waited to too long to apply it to the nail, you didn't hold it down onto the nail long enough or you are applying stamping on top of a matte gel. There seem to be a few matte gel topcoats that want to repel the stamping.
I only say this because it has happened to me. I suggest stamping on top of a clear, shiny topcoat.
ISSUE: I am having issues lining up the images especially when there are quite a few pieces to it.
ISSUE: I am having issues lining up the images especially when there are quite a few pieces to it.
SOLUTION: It's wonderful because CjS has now included step-by-step instructions on the back of the spec sheet that comes with every layered stamping plate. Another solution to this is, if there is a finishing outline for the image, stamp that first. Now you can fill it in like a color by-number picture and then finish it by stamping the outline again.....perfection!
ISSUE: My stamping polish seems watery.
ISSUE: My stamping polish seems watery.
SOLUTION: Simple fix to that! It just needs to be mixed well. We now have mixing metal marbles that will make mixing the polish even more efficient.
ISSUE: When I scrape the stamping polish off of the layered stamping plate, it leaves streaks.
ISSUE: When I scrape the stamping polish off of the layered stamping plate, it leaves streaks.
SOLUTION: When you purchase a shiny new CjS stamper, there will be a scraper inside the box. Don't forget it's in there! All new scrapers should be conditioned before using. This means that you should buff all 4 sides of the scraper with a fine nail file or a fine buffer. The scrapers are machine cut so if you were to look at it under a microscope, you would see tiny shards of plastic. Don't use too coarse of a file or buffer because you don't want to change the shape of the scraper, you just want to remove the shards of plastic. Also, if you leave streaks that are fairly thin, no worries because the stamper won't pick those up anyway.
ISSUE: On larger images I keep scraping out the centre of it and removing too much stamping polish.
ISSUE: On larger images I keep scraping out the centre of it and removing too much stamping polish.
SOLUTION: This is usually caused because of a few common reasons. First, you'll need to apply a bit more polish to these images to allow for the scraping and, secondly, our layered stamping plates are slightly bowed so be sure to hold them down so they are flat before scraping the polish. Make sure to be working on a hard, flat surface to place your plate on and not a squishy towel or manicure pad.
I hope these tips will make your Clear Jelly Stamping experience a wonderful one. Thank you for your loyalty to our brand and we would love to see your creations!! Be sure to TAG us on your picture on Instagram so that we can see it and share it. IG: @clearjellystamper